Monday, February 16, 2015

Stay Warm

Dear Family & Friends,
   We left Calif. in 78 Degree weather and today we woke up to 7 degrees, talk about a contrast!  Some of the areas around here canceled Sun. meetings yesterday. We had two hours worth then everyone was sent home. Mainly because most of our members have to walk and it was bitter. Only a couple of inches of snow, but the wind factor was below 0. 
Today is about the same. We turned the window washer on and immediately it froze on the window.  Hope we can stay in most of today. It is suppose to be this way a lot of the week.
   Last night we went to a fireside, it was on the new Philly Temple.  The Carr's are in charge of all the workers.  Every Wed. Sister Carr bakes 300 cookies and serves to the workers.  They told of the feeling on the temple sight, it started out to be union men who were crude, swore every other word, a lot of back biting among the workers, and a large feeling of competition.  They wondered what to do, so Brother and Sister Carr decided they would let them into the temple grounds every morning, start with a prayer and a good thought.  They have been working there now 1 and 1/2 years, the workers now use clean language, totally respect Bro. and Sister Carr, and are very polite in taking and thanking for the cookies on Wed.  Isn't it wonderful how Heavenly Father helps soften hearts.  All because two people stood up to what they believed and wanted to accomplish.  All of us too can have the same affect on people, use our kind, sincere side, it goes a lot further than a rough, angry approach.  The temple is almost completely done on the outside, and are now working on the interior.  They are shooting for the summer of 2016!  Hope we can come back for the dedication!
    Things have hit full force since we got back.  Rosina is in congenitive heart failure, Dee has been very needy, (we can't seem to do anything right), she really got mad at me Fri. at the Dr. office.  Finally, some stranger stepped in and tried to help me.  She locked her feet on the floor and wouldn't move.  All the time we are holding up people behind us, of course she doesn't care because she can't see what is going on.  It is amazing that we got her into the office.  My heart goes out to her because she is so confused and can't see what is going on.  I'm trying real hard to develop much more patience! 
   We are going out to teach RayMeir this afternoon.  He is Rosina's grandson. He wanted to be baptized  in Jan. but hadn't been to church enough times.  (He is our little Christmas Tree Guy).

   Let's all have a great week. Keep reading our scriptures and praying for each other.  We certainly can feel your prayers back here, they help a ton.  We pray for all of you as well!   
Love to all of you, 
Bro & Sis Armstrong   

Dad finishes another puzzle.....

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