Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Dear Loved Ones,
   The weeks are rolling by so fast, we can hardly catch our breath!.  Last week was a very busy one with Rosina, Stake Faith in God, Stake leaders for ward conference, and our RS birthday party.  All went very well, but hope this one is a little less hectic.  The most wonderful thing about the entire week was our ward conference. The first counselor talked on how we love these people no matter what.  I really needed to hear that talk because  many days we wonder if we do anything at all.  He told of his grandfather going to Brazil some 75 years ago  as a young missionary.  The whole time he was over there he had no converts and felt very discouraged.  Today, that same area has many temples, stakes and missions, and how strong those people are.  How we pray we are planting a seed or two for these dear people.  Karl and I have laughed about many of the situations they get themselves into. We do that so we won't cry. With no cars, no husbands, no money and many kids and poor health, I'm sure they have done much better than I ever could have under these circumstances.  
   We've learned to love these people so much, many of them we feel like family.  In fact that is how Rosina introduces us. We are her church family she tells everyone!  We are most worried about her, her health is terrible, she is in the hospital every other week.  Tomorrow we have several Dr. apt. with her. We have her a place now to live, just pray she can get into it before something serious happens to her.  She has applied for government help and who knows how long that will take. We have seen a lot of sad and poor people because we are so personally involved with their problems and pain.  We pray every night that there will be a couple sent back here to take our place in July, if anyone needs help it is these sweet people.
   We have a woman's Book of Mormon study each Mon. night.  We have another new lady who isn't yet a member coming tonight. We read together in the B of M, our help and explanation is always taken from The Book of Mormon made Easy by David Ridges.  I have loved these books for a long time, and ordered another set when I got out here. I will leave them here when we leave.
   Thank you for all your love, emails and support.  The other night Anna called and said she just wanted to talk to us. It totally made our day.  All of you are so attentive, you are all the best people in the world. 

Happy Birthday goes out this week to Chase, Mary Louise, Pam, and Harrison.  Have a wonderful BD and know we love all of you!

Karl & Joyce
Mom & Dad
Grandma & Grandpa
Elder & Sister Armstrong

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