Monday, March 3, 2014

What a wonderful week we had last week.  We are really starting to stay busy and loving every moment of it!
Mon. is our day to shop, wash and then fill in with the missionaries to visit, teach and encourage. We have Elder Bailey who has been here 7 months waiting for a Visa to Brazil. Anyway it finally came so we will be getting a new elder by next Mon.
Tues. appointments with elders and visited two inactive families. Two of which said they would come to church Sun. but then by Sun. they don't show. By the way, two of the people we were teaching with the Elders, said they would come to church Sun. One showed up.
Wed. more of the same, contacts, lessons and no shows.  Thurs. more the same. Fri. We have game nights at the church.  We played pictionary.  There were 7 people there which is pretty good.  Sat. we took Sneiquia to the temple sight, (picture)  she was pretty impressed.  This made up for the last few days being so unsuccessful.  The people who run the temple sight are wonderful people!  They have a trailer beside the grounds and have all kinds of films, pictures and talks going on.  That little trailer really had the Spirit in it. We then brought her back to the church and taught her a lesson on the word of wisdom.  She said she would have a hard time giving up her tea.  She is the one who did come out Sun.  What a blessing. She seems pretty interested. We hope it lasts.  She has a 4 year old boy.  All of these little kids are so darling, and so many of them don't have fathers.
Sun. We got to church and there were 6 of us there. The branch presidency and their wives.  By the end of the meeting we had 7 more join us.  The meeting was wonderful, even with so few people. The Spirit was so strong, and the testimonies were all wonderful.  You can really tell when the truth has sunk in because they are so grateful and have so little.
 My favorite lady (branch Pres. wife, (the one who really runs the branch), the one I talk about in almost every email) she is now the choir director. Today she pulls out another Negro spiritual, one that you clap your hands and yell Hallelujah.  Anyway, we get to the chorus and she wants to start clapping and yelling.  I told dad that we may be sent home after all.  Hope I have a little more say in the next song she picks.
After church we went to the hospital to see the lady dying of cancer. We got there and she is on life support, in a coma, and running around her room were her two little boys, ages 1 and 2 1/2. They have no father.  Talk about sad.  I'm sure she has passed away by this morning.  Some people have it so hard, I  just wonder what will happen to those two little boys!  We came home and got dinner and had 10 of us for dinner, with only six chairs.  The Relief Society Pres had to bring the rest.  Boy can those Elders eat!  We are losing elder Bailey tomorrow. He has been waiting for his Visa and after 7 months it came.  He leaves for Brazil tomorrow.  He is such a wonderful Elder! He is the one that looks so much like Ethan.  He was pretty full of mixed feelings!
I woke up Sun. morning and had hives all over my trunk, neck and head. Boy do I still itch. Dad went this morning to get something- I hope it helps cause all I do is scratch!!!
 It looks like we will have another in day today. Schools closed, more snow, plus more coming and bitter cold.  Dad gets a little uneasy! We will probably dream up something to do or someone to visit.  He has been in this house about long enough.   We are well, warm, happy and loving every moment of it.  Thanks for all your support and love. I have two pictures hanging on my cabinet-one from Payten and one from Olivia.  Thanks for being so good to us! I guess John's family is at Jill's Grandmother's services right about now. We hope the weather is better in Utah than here.  Our love to all of you, you are the best people in the whole world!

This picture is of of the elders in our branch- (L to R) Elders Bailey, Smith, Timmerman, Koffard, Tulo, and Ruford.  The last two are Zone Leaders.

 This picture is Sneiquia and me.  She is taking the discussions and we took her to see the temple sight. We are in front of the temple-what you can see of it.

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