Monday, March 16, 2015

Philly Times

Hi wonderful Family and Friends,
   Another new week, they just keep coming and getting better.  Our little branch had a miracle happen yesterday.  We had three baptisms, and what a thrill, especially for Elder Seeley who goes home tomorrow.
  RAMIR WILLIAMS. He is nine, the others older.  Ramir is Rosina's Grandson, we've written about him many times.  A bright little guy with a ton of hang ups he has had to cope with all his life.  He was so excited, he got out of the fount and when asked how he felt about being baptized he said, "Well my foot didn't come out of the water".  We went and got him new clothes (the Sunday dress outfit) and he said, "now I look like a missionary".  We so hope all three of these people can hang on and embrace the gospel, it would improve their lives so very much.
   That is our biggest fear, that this entire branch is going to sometime get lost in the shuffle.  Many of them just hang on with a thread. This mission, as yet, doesn't have anyone (Senior Couple) to take our place.  Not that we do so many wonderful things, but they just need extra love and care. Not anyone in the branch, only a very small handful, can offer that, they need that love and care themselves.   
   How on earth does Heavenly Father keep track and bless everyone? His job seems so over whelming to me. If we have three a day that needs a lot of extra attention and help we come home exhausted.
  ELDER ARMSTRONG'S TURN: It amazes me the support that the church gives its people. Our small branch gets thousands of dollars of aid each week for rent, food, utilities, etc. and when we see some come to church, we know the purpose, they are in need of assistance. Every other week or more often, we drive to New Jersey to the Bishops storehouse for food orders and the like, but I now have a new friend, Richard, who is a disabled vet, and is bi-polar, and was very negative about the church, rides down with me and helps me deliver the food. We even got him to speak in Church last Sunday to our amazement. We love our little branch however, and really enjoy working with the missionaries who really put in a great effort in the work. 
     Our mission will be closing down eight apartments soon, since more are leaving than are coming. Three new Sr. Couples will soon be called to work at the Susquehanna site however, where Joseph Smith was  Baptized.  Elder Russell Nelson will dedicate the site this fall. They are building a new visitor center and it will be a choice church history site to see. 
   Anyway, all is great, the Temple is moving ahead and drawing a lot of interest, I only wish we could see it dedicated before we leave, but who knows, maybe we can come back!

   Spring has sprung, the weather is great, and all is well. Love ya all. 

Ramir's baptism

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